ten ten is proud to release its 4th album “OIRO NAOSHI” (Evolving Colours)
Literally, o-iro-naoshi means “changing colours”.
It refers to a Japanese wedding tradition. A bride will trade her all white kimono for a colorful one to signify that the bride transforms into the colour of her husband’s household and becomes a part of his family.
During the most recent lockdown of the pandemic, to prevent myself from going stir-crazy, I set myself a public challenge. I would write one shamisen song a day for 100 days. The songs were simple and unadorned. Some were catchy. Others were silly.
The process brought me back to my childhood when I would create simple melodies with nonsense words. Instead of formally composing a piece, I would play around, exploring, allowing the melody and rhythm to find themselves. Each day, I would upload the raw, black and white videos to Instagram.
I am deeply impressed with all the guest artists who helped me for this album.
Thank you very much.